New Moon Blessings, Soul Family! You can find the Sidereal New Moon forecast HERE, in case you missed it earlier.
Do you know which card in the Minor Arcana carries the meaning of alchemy and actually depicts all seven stages of the alchemical process? It’s our card of the day, the 7 of Cups! And wouldn’t you know that this is a card that also corresponds with the 13th Sign, Ophiuchus. I swear, since I started researching the Serpent Bearer, synchronicity has started going into overdrive.
The card of the day is what inspired today’s Tarot Spread, the Ophiuchus Alchemy Tarot Spread. CLICK HERE or on the image above to learn more.
CLICK HERE for your FREE Sidereal Natal Chart—includes a mini report. Get the in-depth True Sidereal natal chart report with $30 off when you use this affiliate link.
Tarot Card of the Day
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You can read all about today’s card, 7 of Cups HERE.
Raven xx