Happy New Year and Blessed Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, for those of you who celebrate. Today, I will most certainly celebrate Mother Mary. Something happened over the past few days that obliterated any doubts or lingering abandonment/mother issues I had. Though she has given me signs before (she is generous like that!), I doubt I’ll need to ask for one again…
But before I share about that, I want to make sure that you get the heads up you need about what it means to the collective to be in an 8 Universal Year. CLICK HERE to read all about it. Includes a Year-Ahead Tarot Energy Forecast.
A Dream Message from Mother Mary
The night before New Year’s Eve, I meditated to connect with new Spirit Guides that I felt were wanting to come in. During the meditation, I didn’t receive any confirmation or instructions but I was fine with that and felt at peace. Not long after my meditation, I drifted off to sleep.
As I found myself in that hypnagogic state between waking and sleeping, I could feel Mother Mary as close to me as my breath. I asked for a dream sign that she had come in the capacity of a guide and mentor. I knew a dream would follow. It's fairly easy to incubate dreams this time of the year.
When I woke up, very few dream visuals remained but I could remember clear as day that a voice had told me that I needed to go to Sararapa Hospital.
When I first woke up, I thought it was a very strange statement. It didn't make sense to me at all but eventually, after lunch, I googled Sararapa Hospital (because, at the time, I thought it was one word and the name of the hospital).
The search engines were quick to give me Sara Rapa, an MD who works at a hospital called Mater Dei Hospital. Mater Dei means ‘Mother of God.’
As you can imagine, I had to take a minute to catch my breath when it dawned on me, just how clear the sign was. She is with me. She is with all of us at this time. As soon as I realised I had indeed been given the sign I asked for, I received the full interpretation of the dream which I'm keeping to myself for now.
What a potent beginning of the year!
Very potent message. Happy new year.