Wow, I seem to have touched on something relevant with my first post in the Human Design series that I shared in yesterday’s Substack! Four people, on four different platforms, reached out to me about this post—That almost never happens these days. Many articles I write get no response at all.
It’s weird to compare and contrast how things were 10-15 years ago when I often got so many comments on my posts that I struggled to respond to each of them. The Blogosphere has certainly changed. Many bloggers have responded by simply turning their comments section off… Because, what’s the point when all you ever get these days is spam?
However, I have no plans on turning the comments of on Angelorum. Even if I only get a handful of comments every month, I cherish every one of them. Some days, it’s what keeps me going. So feel free to drop a comment the next time you visit!
The Human Design Generators Tarot Spread
In today’s post, we’re taking a closer look at Generators. I fall into that category myself. The bespoke Tarot spread that comes with this post is for both subcategories: Pure Generators and Manifesting Generators. However, with future in-depth insight into Manifesting Generators, I may create a separate spread for them since, according to some teachers of Human Design, they are in their own category, taking the original four types up to five.
The Tarot Card of the Day
You can read all about the 9 of Swords (Mars in Gemini) HERE.
Raven xx